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Being Positive in a Negative World

Being Positive in a Negative World

We live in a world of much negativity, but you don’t have to let it affect you. Instead, you can turn your attention to a more uplifting reality and become all the positive changes you wish to see. One of the biggest contributors to brain drain, apathy and a lack of motivation is a negative world. Are there principles to…

Making a Winning Plan for 2020!

Making a Winning Plan for 2020!

Why Make a resolution? If you fail to plan you plan to fail. As the Bible says, “Without a vision, people perish.” According to one study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that those who set New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to actually change their behaviour than people who don’t make these yearly goals. The…

The Causes of self doubt

The Causes of self doubt

Self doubt holds you back from seizing your opportunities. It hinders you for reaching your dreams and aspirations. People who doubt often panic about things would go out of control or not going the way as they desired.

Personalised Consulting and Winning Formula with you in mind

Personalised Consulting and Winning Formula with you in mind

We each have a winning formula that helps us function most optimally and create the fulfillment, accomplishment, and success we strive for. Some of us function best when for example, we exercise daily, do our spiritual practice, have time alone, have regular breaks or go to bed at a certain time. What helps you function the best? What needs do…

4 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

4 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Being a people pleaser sounds pleasant, doesn’t it? What could possibly be wrong with wanting to make people happy? Unfortunately, a few things. Being a good person who cares about the welfare of others is distinct from being a person who never wants to disappoint anyone. The former person feels good when helping someone else, while the latter feels bad when…

How to Get Out of a Rut

How to Get Out of a Rut

We all go through periods where we feel like we might be stuck in a rut. It can seem like you are just going through the motions, treading water, or jogging in place. You’re doing the same old things, but it doesn’t seem like you are actually getting anywhere. Things that used to excite you may start to feel less…

Real you and real results – how to be authentic

Real you and real results – how to be authentic

Authenticity, or being real, a big subject both in the realms of personal coaching and business coaching. Very often we can feel deeply unhappy if we feel we are going through the motions and not being ourselves. Or we generally just feel unhappy but we are not sure why. Starting with the foundations For me, authenticity is really getting to…

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